  • Going from playing a character as whimsical as Drax to the violent Rabban is a huge jump, and Bautista calls it a blessing to play such a complex, sinister character.
  • The thing with this character was it just gave me an opportunity to showcase a different type of performance, Bautista told ABC News.
  • [The role] really just gives me the opportunity to just play these like really, really deep characters.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
  • In the same year, he will also return as Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.
revicon • 2 years ago
It seems like he didn't have very many lines in the movie overall. Assuming he'll have a larger role in the part 2.
revicon • 2 years ago
Drax got dark 😯
Any and all things scifi movie related
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