• Posted by revicon
• 3 years ago
- Spotted in a recent listing from the ESRB, it looks as though the multiplayer mode that Naughty Dog originally released in Uncharted 4 will not be coming with Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.
- Rather than featuring the popular PvP aspect of Uncharted 4, this bundle will instead only feature the campaigns associated with each Uncharted title.
- The only silver lining with this situation is that the ESRB has now formally rated Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection for both PS5 and PC.
- At this point in time, Naughty Dog and PlayStation have still only committed to an early 2022 launch for Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection.
- What do you think about the new PS5 and PC version of Uncharted 4 leaving multiplayer out of the package?
Any and all things video game related
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